Having a diverse, gender-balanced, and inclusive organisation is no longer an option– it is necessary for a world that works for All.
Creating diversity, inclusion, equity and equality not only yields incredible financial benefits, but also sets the tone for progressive organizational and institutional cultures that care for their customers and constituents and drive policies and practices for good - with harmony of people, profit, purpose and planet.
The G100 Group helps circle this square for your organisation by connecting the dots and bridging the gaps, making it easy for everyone in your team to drive the change. And we do this free.
It is for the very first time that such a powerful and philanthropic global group of influential and engaged leaders, including women and men, has been organised to achieve a million Gender Champions.
With this critical mass and creative consciousness, we all have the force to enable civil society to give back, brings more seats to the decision making tables and collectively address challenges across different domains covering every section of society and economy.
One light can ignite a million lamps. It’s natural, logical and possible!
Join us. Together we can.
Here are 10 reasons why You should (P)artner with G100.
1) People - We have the largest global network of experts and engaged leaders in all walks of life, in all verticals of leadership, and in all strata of society. Our 100 wings in 100 sectors are led by 100 Global Chairs and supported by 100 country chairs with further 100 local leaders in each wing who mobilise networks, build alliances, act on the gaps and energise the participation of all.
2) Pro Bono - Like Water, Earth and Air, we are a force of Nature - and free.
3) Partnerships - We are ever happy to support, consult and collaborate with companies, universities, institutions, NGOs, governments and intergovernmental organisations, among others.
Partnerships help us get a seat at the table to have our voice included as women worldwide and also helps improve policies and practices for gender equality in the partner organisation. This exchange builds the capacity of all to deliver innovative solutions across the board.
4) Projects - We are keen to see the evolution of specific projects that emerge through our synergy and exchange with partners. Any funding that may be required for actual projects that evolve in co-creation can be allocated to entities involved in delivering the project, and not to G100. We provide pro bono support through our vast global network for accelerating change.
5) Professional Approach - To us, being free doesn’t mean anything goes! We believe in offering the best with love. Just as our Mother Nature does.
6) Positive Spirit - We are the tribe with a vibe ! We have an inclusive and inspiring spirit that is pure in intention and positive in spirit. We believe the world is better with friendship. We say no to wars and violence. We bring dedication and sincerity, and belief in the equality and dignity of all. A code of conduct with 100 commitments drives our preserving and positive spirit, enabling us to pursue the process of mindset change with wisdom and courage.
7) Possibilities Mindset - We drive change through an interdisciplinary and intersectional approach, which is informed and elevated by our ever growing global consciousness, intent on exploring and delivering solutions for all. Through engagement and exchange, we enable solid vertical and horizontal linkages for learning and collaborations among communities at all levels of decision-making toward co-creating a better future for all.
8) Purpose - All we do is dedicated to our greater purpose of making Gender Equality a reality. Together we can achieve gender equality in this decade and for the next generation - and by that parity, peace and prosperity for All. By working on gender equality we can also achieve all the UN SDGs. We do not have to wait for 100 years, or 300 years as a UN report highlights. We can set up ourselves for success in our collective greater goals as a global society by working together and winning together.
9) Powerful - With a million gender champions persevering in purpose, we are taking charge of the change we wish to see - through participatory and distributed leadership, with joy and enthusiasm, unleashing the potential and power of ALL.
10) Peacemakers - As a group with global consciousness and cultural intelligence, we help mitigate barriers and biases of all kinds, with collective endeavours that reduce ‘othering’ and help us all connect in harmony and our common humanity beyond borders. We have developed 100 Steps to Peace that can be adopted by all.
To learn more about G100 and its 100 wings, visit the official website at www.G100.in.