Still gathering from a fantastic virtual unveiling at the Global Launch and Unveiling of G100 Media Arts & Communication on Saturday March 26, 2022, thanks to the amazing participation and input from the leaders in the G100-MAC Global Advisory Council (GAC) and G100-MAC Country Clubs led by the eminent Country Chairs and their amazing Country Advisory Council (CAC).

The virtual event was attended by Guest Speakers and leaders from other G100 wings, including their male counterparts, The Denim Club who joined, and talked about the power of communication, purpose and the value of G100's collective mission.

The four session event were illuminating, heartfelt and empowering and ended with a wonderful toast by Clara Rufai, Director of Strategy & Planning.

In a statement from Alex Okoroji, G100-MAC Global Chair
"I’m grateful to everyone who attended to support us at the global unveiling of the G100 Media Arts & Communication wing. Thankful for all the wonderful feedback and positive cheers. I feel blessed to have the support and solidarity of my G100 soul sisters, industry powerhouses and people of impact. And I'm grateful to our G100 Founder, Dr Harbeen Arora Rai for creating the vision and opportunity that has given us wings to birth this platform and fulfill our mandate. I'm excited about the future and everything we have lined up. This is just the beginning".

If you missed the event or want to catch a specific session - you can WATCH THE REPLAY.