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100 Recommendations - Universal Principles and Practices For Gender Equality & Empowerment Toward Peace, Parity and Prosperity of ALL.
G100 - ELLEGOSSSE 100 Recommendations
We are pleased to present 100 recommendations for all leaders worldwide, based on the G100 ELLEGOSSSE framework, evolved from our 30 global meetings and consultations in 29 countries, along with our wings’ activities.
From September 2021 - December 2022, G100 missions and consultations connected with leaders and legislators, individuals and institutions, educationists and entrepreneurs, planners and parliamentarians, UN and multilateral fora across: Switzerland, Netherlands, Belgium, USA, UAE, UK, Spain, Romania, Malta, Portugal, Sweden, Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, Thailand, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Kosova, Albania, Ivy Leagues & Universities (East Coast, USA), Turkey, France, Bangladesh, Egypt and India. Summary of meetings here: https://www.g100.in/g100-meetings/
We will continue our consultations toward achieving our milestone of 100 global meetings in 100 countries in the next couple of years. We will present the updated version every year till then.
10 themes emerged as key pillars and universal principles for gender equality and empowerment worldwide - and by that levers of peace, prosperity and progress for all. These 10 principles further have 10 recommendations each, thus 100 recommendations - comprehensively consolidating the areas of action for cohesive and concerted actions.
An acronym ELLEGOSSSE encapsulates these 10 common themes viz: Education. Legislation. Leadership. Empowerment. Governance. Ownership. Security. Sustainability. Solidarity. Equality.
On a creative note, in French
ELLE refers to woman, and GOSSSE (or GOSSES) to children - indeed our inclusive future is in the hands and hearts of women and children of our one world. And therein also lies the greatest gap that we seek to address through this framework and its recommendations that are universally relevant and applicable.We present here the ELLEGOSSSE - 100 recommendations from the G100 to G20, as also to governments worldwide, including inter-governmental entities and multilateral fora such as across the UN, EU, AU, G7, ASEAN, SAARC, QUAD, as also Universities, Foundations, Corporates, Institutions, Think Tanks, Civil Society, Networks, NGO, International Organisations, et al.
Our 100 recommendations in the ELLEGOSSSE framework are more like a bouquet of 100 recommendations - in effect are thousands of ideas therein. They are packed in there for ready reference so we can all unpack them through our endeavours in our parts of the world and in our spheres of influence.
G100 - ELLEGOSSSE offers a program and platform for comprehensive and coordinated collective action. Through the 100 G100 wings, led by the 100 Global Chairs, with over 100 Country Clubs led Country Chairs in each wing in every country, further supported by the G100 Denim Club of He for She Champions, in solidarity with all stakeholders, nationally and internationally, 100 projects will emerge from this bouquet of 100 recommendations, pushing the change and pulling partners into the process.
The ELLEGOSSSE framework is also an addition and extension to some of the earlier important documents and declarations for gender equality – notably, the Beijing Platform of Action, Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW), and the 17 UN SDGs, in particular SDG 5. In solidarity and continuity with all the changemakers and champions who preceded us, we reiterate- human rights are women’s rights and women’s rights are human rights.
We also believe that if we can address SDG 5 of Gender Equality with urgent, accelerated and concerted actions (just as we are doing for Climate), then we can keep our date with the delivery of the UN SDG goals. It is important to view Gender Equality not just as a women’s issue but rather one that concerns us all as societies and economies. Like in the case of the pandemic, or climate change, or terrorism, we need to view gender inequality as well as a global challenge - a challenge to human civilisation, sustainability, and survival. It needs be addressed by ALL.
We can all make this Decade of Action count. This is our Document of the Decade.
The G100 family, network and wings will develop ELLEGOSSSE projects with partners as also our sister platforms such us ALL, WICCI, WEF, SHEconomy,
to adopt these recommendations in respective spheres of influence, as also help mobilise support and coordinate efforts from all quarters including government, multinationals, schools, universities, foundations, civil society, entrepreneurs, leaders, as well as civil society and professional groups.
100 Wings driving 100 Projects and hundreds of initiatives by an inspired and organised global community will be our multiplier for the ripple effect of change. We believe that when the force of our solutions exceeds the force of our problems, the mountain of change will move - the shift will occur.
The G100 club brings critical mass, creative momentum, courageous action, caring community, cultural sensibility and conscious vision of change. We progress passionately with positive principles upon the peaceful path of possibilities with acceleration and allyship, especially of men through our Denim Club of He-for-She champions, and indeed of the greater global sisterhood of She-for-She support that has been our abiding strength.
Who are these recommendations addressed to ? These are addressed of course to our leaders nationally and internationally including in Politics, Government, Corporates, Education, Industry, Media and others who are in positions of power and privilege to act, but these are as much addressed to Everyone. All stakeholders in economy and society, in all walks of life, and especially the G100 community, are urged to act upon these suggestions and build on them. In our individual and collective capacities, we can all move the needle forward as architects of the future.
ELLEGOSSSE is a People’s document, from a global community for a global community. It is inclusive of cultures and continents. It helps us speak in shared language and act in common purpose. It does not fight the old, rather it fosters the new with the eternal liberal values of freedom and fairness. It urges and inspires all to collaborate and co-create the change we seek. Together we are stronger and better at expanding opportunities, empowering innovation, and exponentially empowering the diversity dividend. By reclaiming our powers of positivity, passion, position, privilege, purpose, projects or polity, we can all participate in paving the way for infinite possibilities to emerge, out-creating the status quo.
The ELLEGOSSSE mnemonic is also easy to recall, personalise and act upon by everyone everywhere. Instead of being a one-size-fits-all, ELLEGOSSSE is a multimodal, cross-sectional, plural, non-partisan, and non-sectarian flexible framework for every society to develop its strengths and address its shortcomings in a way that is connected to its culture and community. Diverse and comprehensive, it also helps us see the seamless interconnectedness of an array of issues confronting us today. The framework offers creativity and customisation, and gives us all the tools to write our own script along with the support of a conscious community worldwide, to make the shift that we want to.
ELLEGOSSSE is inviting everyone to act for equality and empowerment. With it’s interconnected and inclusive agenda across sectors, it is also invigorating a whole new set of actors and leaders who may not have otherwise been part of efforts for gender equality. It’s a document that welcomes all, works with all, and wins for all.
We do not need to wait 100 years for Gender Equality. We can step up in solidarity NOW to achieve it in this decade of change, aligned with the delivery of UN SDGs. By accelerating actions for gender equality and harmony, we can usher greater innovation in other walks of life as well. For when women thrive, humanity thrives. With integration of women, who are powerful agents of change and inclusion, everyone is enabled.
Everyone can be the Actor, Advocate and Accelerator of this Change.
Each of us can adopt or embed any or All of the ELLEGOSSSE recommendations in homes, workplaces, communities, companies, organisations, institutions, schools, universities, corporates, chambers, networks, governments, NGOs, international organisations, inter-governmental and multi-lateral platforms, political parties, projects, et al.
By the ELLEGOSSSE suggestions we can address various kinds of gaps, not only between women and men, but among all - at all intersections of oppression and discrimination, and at all vertices of innovation and opportunities, ensuring peaceful and progressive societies globally.
While there are 10 principles and 100 recommendations, and with multiple asks for action, in effect they all belong to the One Idea and One Inspiration of choosing the change. It is important to feel this interdisciplinary and integrated awareness of each part being connected to the bigger picture in seamless oneness and circularity. Some suggestions may also seem overlapping across sections, precisely because they are in continuity and complementarity, as we all are.
Also, wherever we mention women or men in the document, specified or not, we are always referring to women, men and all, in all our rich diversity.
The suggestions are not set in stone. We remain receptive and reflective toward the learnings emerging from the discussions, actions and projects, so that we can continue to elaborate and evolve the same. That’s the integrity, agility and flexibility of our network and framework. Our 100 wings in 100 different sectors, in over 100 countries, organised vertically and horizontally, along with our sister platforms, provide us the communities and capacities to do so. Our 100 Commitments keep us united and energised in purpose.
Together as we approach issues from all intersections and from all parts of the world, we can sustainably bridge the glaring gaps across genders such as: Safety Gap, Health Gap, Nutrition Gap, Dream Gap, Skills Gap, Education Gap, Confidence Gap, Economic Gap, Entrepreneurship Gap, Banking Gap, Leadership Gap, Representation Gap, Recognition Gap, Respect Gap, Visibility Gap, Role Models Gap, Networking Gap, Power Gap, Support Gap, Ownership Gap, Voice Gap, Digital Gap, among others.
In due course, the ELLEGOSSSE global index of gender equality can also be developed, to present progress and generate measurable results across indicators. Meanwhile, we can all act to bridge the gaps and drive the momentum toward this change. With inclusive design, intentional policies, energetic engagement and determination to deliver, we can ignite and inspire the change. Important is to start something, stay with it, and see it through.
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