G100-MAC Wing
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G100-MAC Wing
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G-Media Action!
Join us as we take 100 Actions toward gender equity and sustainable development.
About Media Action!
With G100-MAC Media Action - we believe in leveraging the power of media and communication for good. Our projects and campaigns empower women, protect their livelihoods and careers, counter misinformation and misrepresentation, challenge prejudice or bias, and build gender equity.
Our Media Action Campaigns are designed to spark a broader, more transparent dialogue that focuses on current and emerging issues that have created barriers for women. Together with our male counterparts and allies, we seek to provide creative answers to the challenges women face. Our mandate is to produce action and results. We believe that when one woman rises, we all rise. However, our mission is to thrive together.
Our goal is 100 Action Takes. Each month we will commit to an Action Plan and use different creative mediums to Engage, Empower, Encourage, Educate, Equip and Entertain.
Our Media Action Forum will include engaging our sisters in other G100 Wings... Each month we will stand with a wing through themed public discussion forums so we can better understand the challenges women face in their sectors and how we can support them, by acting as their megaphones, vocal champions, amplifiers and cheerleaders to help them leverage the power of media and communication so their voices are heard. Our goal is to end each forum with an ACTION PLAN that will enhance the visibility and voices of that wing using media as a tool for our collective impact towards equity.
Media Action Campaign
Our Media Action Campaign focuses on important issues we can change in the media arts & communication sector across the world.
Our campaigns focus on some of the biggest barriers to women’s equality in our sector...
Workplace Culture
Lack of Female Leaders
Gender Stereotyping
Lack of Flexible Work Practices
Pay Gap & Employment Opportunities
Funding & Financial Investments for women
Our objectives with the Media Action Campaigns are:
To promote diverse and positive representation of women
To raise women's issues and advocate for solutions
To enhance women's professional development
To ensure equal employment opportunities for women in our sector
To promote and celebrate women's achievements
To amplify the voices and visibility of our members and improve the advancement of women within our multi-disciplinary sector
Media Action Forum
Each month we will stand with a G100 wing through discussion forums so we can better understand the challenges women face in other sectors.
Media Action for Arts Leadership
In July 2022, G100-MAC will engage with the leaders in the G100 Arts Leadership wing about the barriers that women face as artists and what ACTIONS we can take to amplify their voices, bridge the gender gap and create sustainability.
Media Action for Human Rights
In August 2022, G100-MAC will engage with the leaders in the G100 Human Rights wing about the issues that threaten our rights as women and what ACTIONS we can take to amplify these issues, and sustain our humanity.
Media Action for Circular Economy
In September 2022, G100-MAC will engage with the leaders in the G100 Circular Economy wing on how women can contribute to a circular economy to close the gender gaps and create a well rounded economic sustainability.
Media Action for Leadership Parity
In October 2022, G100-MAC will engage with the leaders in the G100 Leadership Parity wing about the barriers that women face as leaders and what ACTIONS we can take to amplify their voices and create more women leaders.
Media Action for Entrepreneurship
In November, G100-MAC will engage with the leaders in the G100 Entrepreneurship wing about the barriers that women face as entrepreneurs and what ACTIONS we can take to amplify the voices of women entrepreneurs.
Media Action for Education & Employment
In December 2022, G100-MAC will engage with the leaders in the G100 Education & Employment wing about the barriers that women face regarding education and what ACTIONS we can take to amplify their voices and create sustainability.
Take Action
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